You’ve finally moved your business out of your house or the local coffee shop. Now your plan is to close your office door or pop on some headphones to minimize distractions and be more productive. But if you do, you’ll be missing out on some great networking opportunities that could help your business grow.

Coworking facilities offer a professional working environment among a community of like-minded workers. One of its biggest benefits is the ability to connect with other individuals that can help your business or become potential clients.

But no one wants to be known as the person who markets like a used-car salesman when everyone is trying to work. Effective networking is the key to spreading awareness about your business in a co-working space.

Here are some networking tips that can help:

  1. Be conversational

Ask someone to go with you on a coffee run. Or while waiting for the printer, initiate a conversation by asking something as simple as “How long have you been a member?” Keep things focused on having a conversation, rather than prospecting for the right moment to pitch your business. Sometimes just sharing what you do in conversation can be the start of a business relationship.

  1. Suggest a work trade

When the person at the next desk or office has a business that offers services you might need, suggest swapping it for a service your business offers that they might need. In this way, both businesses save money and showcase their services. Even if you may not need their services at the time, it still may make sense from a marketing perspective to provide your service. For example, say you’re a graphic designer and another member does public relations. When other members of the co-working space see her new business cards, they’ll learn that you designed them.

  1. Share your knowledge

The co-working environment is one of openness.  Sharing your knowledge perhaps on technology or marketing, can not only help a fellow co-worker, but also lead to future benefits for you. It’s more than likely you’ll be on the receiving end of useful knowledge at some point.

  1. Create useful promotional materials

Like any office, pens, a stapler and Post-its are all things that are needed around a coworking space. Produce some with your business name and URL and leave them on your desk or in the break room for free. People will routinely use them and you won’t have to push them. In doing so, you create an awareness for your business.

  1. Show your passion

There’s a difference between selling and just having passion for what you do. When you sell, you’re trying to overcome customers’ objections to get them to buy something. When you simply let your passion for what you do be on display, you create curiosity and build relationships. Even if the person you’re speaking to doesn’t need your services, he’ll recommend you to others if he believes you are dedicated and care about what you do.

A co-working space isn’t just another place to get work done. It’s a networking goldmine. When done right, it provides a valuable source of important connections that drive your business forward. Contact us at CoLab to learn about all the benefits coworking has to offer.